This machine can be applied to cotton, chemical fiber, hemp, wool and its blended fabric finishing calendering; it can also be used for polypropylene, nylon, polyester, polyethylene, polypropylene and other materials and paper finishing calendering.
By adjusting the hydraulic valve inside the nylon roll, when the different pressure is applied to the roller surface, the nylon roller is automatically adjusted to achieve uniformity of the linear pressure of the entire nip. After calendering, the product can achieve much better effect of thickness, gloss and other uniformity than normal calendering. This machine can also withstand higher steel roller temperature and higher linear speed while operating.
Product advantages:1.Nominal width: 1800-3400mm
2.Working speed: 20-70m / min
3.Design pressure: 60-100T
Film calender (double side pressure three roller calender)
Film calender (double side pressure three roller calender)
This machine can be applied to pure cotton, chemical fiber, hemp, wool spinning and blended fabric calendering finishing;the middle roller of the equipment is fixed roller, the upper and lower rollers can respectively to the intermediate pressure. When the fabric pass the machine once, it can be calendering one time or be twice. After calendering the fabrics can achieve evenly shiny and good touching feeling. The equipment is also very save costs.
Product advantages:1.Nominal width: 1800-5000mm
2.Working speed: 20-70m / min
3.Design pressure: 60-120T
Stepless pressure regulation S-Roll calender(Double side pressure type)
Double side pressure type
Double side pressure type stepless pressure regualtion S-Roll calender combined with double-pressure technology and uniform stepless pressure roller technology, the middle roller of the equipment is fixed roller, the upper and lower rollers can respectively to the intermediate pressure. When the fabric pass the machine once, it can be calendering one time or be twice. After calendering the fabrics can achieve evenly shiny and good touching feeling. The equipment is also very save costs.
Product advantages:1.Nominal width: 1800-3600mm
2.Working speed: 20-70m / min
3.Design pressure: 60-100T
Stepless pressure regulation S-Roll calender(Single pressure type)
Stepless pressure regualtion S-Roll calender has the following characteristics:
• Utilize the stepless pressure regulation S-Roll, achieve the uniform line pressure by adjusting the oil pressure in the two semi-circular chambers.
• The elastic roller sleeve coated on the stepless pressure regulation S-Roll roller can better recover the deformation of the roller.
• The S-Roll roller is controlled by hydraulic system.
• The S-Roll roller is auxiliary driven by oil motor.
• HMI ( Whole machine monitoring, Process parameter settings, Seam detection animated display, Hydraulic system pressure display, Fault diagnosis, Alarm information)
• Roller sleeve change is quick and easy, no need to have a large-scale demolition the sofy roller sleeve made of synthetic material cam be exchanged from the side pipe rack of the calender, to minimize the downtime. The sleeve can be selected in calendering process ( such as calendering, electro-optical, embossing, soft calendering and silk finishing).
Product advantages:
1.Nominal width: 1800-3600mm
2.Working speed: 20-70m / min
3.Design pressure: 60-100T
Two-roll calender
Two-roll calender
This product is a two-roll calender, through different permutation and combination of mirror roller, nylon roller, wool roller, cotton roller and rubber roller, to make the fabric through different materials’ calendering area, and obtain the different required calendering effect.
1, with the nylon roller calendering effect: smooth, luster, flat.
2, with the wool roller calendering effect: smooth, luster, flat, soft.
3, with the cotton roller calendering effect: smooth, flat, soft.
4, with the rubber roller calendering effect: smooth, luster, flat, soft.
Product advantages:1.Nominal width: 1800-5000mm
2.Working speed: 20-70m / min
3.Design pressure: 60-120T